The ultimate guide to Yield Farming in DeFi from The Defiant v2 now with vaults for easy liquidity provision to the yearn system.
Aaveonomics Flash Paper
Aavegotchi Litepaper
Diamond Standard a.k.a. EIP-2535 for flexible Solidity contracts
YFII “pink wifey” and YFFI “orange wifey” based on YFI “blue wifey”
Elliptic analyis of Twitter Hack Bitcoins
Liquidity Mining on UMA is now live
How GPT3 Works – Visualizations and Animations
ITER: World’s largest nuclear fusion project begins assembly
Perfect Edition: A lightweight, responsive web e-book template
Some tabs still open from previous weeks
Media for Thinking the Unthinkable: Designing a new medium for science and engineering via HN
Why real-time economic data need to be treated with caution
The Man Whose Science Fiction Keeps Turning Into Our Shitty Cyberpunk Reality “A Q+A with the novelist Tim Maughan, whose disturbing future predictions have had an unfortunate habit of coming true”