Weekly Recap 2020-07-11

Log of things seen in week 2020-07-04 to 2020-07-11 (updated mid week)

Work related

City AM article on Mettalex decentralized commodity exchange

Mettalex twitter CTO bio - it me!

City AM section Fetch.ai on artificial intelligence


Deep Learning in Python Datacamp skill track

Papers with Code: Methods will help you choose the right components for your model

NVAE: A Deep Hierarchical Variational Autoencoder “We show that deep hierarchical VAEs w/ carefully designed network architecture, generate high-quality images & achieve SOTA likelihood, even when trained w/ original VAE loss.” Twitter thread with summary.

Meta-Learning Symmetries by Reparameterization “Convolution is an example of structure we build into neural nets. Can we discover convolutions & other symmetries from data?” Twitter thread

Some Keras tweetorials by fchollet: custom metrics, custom training

“Eldritch entities manipulating the probability distributions of AI training to create their own summoning rituals would be pretty on brand for 2020” - me on GPT3 and AI Dungeon

Danilo on AWS Serverless Machine Learning - this was something I’ve used in the past, AWS Lambdas for inference. Also funnily enough the application area (F1) back in MathWorks consulting days although that was pre-AWS.

Blockchain blockchain blockchain

Etherscan Newsletter #5 had lots on Layer 2 solutions

Ethereum Virtual Machine Assembly

Understanding the Geyser Ampleforth AMPL token and Uniswap. Supplying liquidity to AMPL/uETH pool is rewarded by AMPL mining but AMPL supply increases if price increases above 1 AMPL = $1 so this affects the Uniswap rewards. This article is about how the arbitrage opportunity produced results in pool transaction rewards that offset the decrease.

A Comparison of Decentralized Options Platforms

Private messaging: Unstoppable Domains, Session, Status

Aave Credit Delegation for uncollateralized p2p loans

Vyper preliminary security review (October 2019) and function selector collision detection issue. Hope that some of the issues are addressed in current 0.2 release.

Binance UK soon

Smart contract tooling: Open Zeppelin CLI, Buidler, Aragon

Prediction markets


Hacker News